Make Cash Illegal: The solution to Ending Boom And Bust

Make Cash Illegal the solution to boom and bust cyclesThis is not the typical forex trading stuff, I must apologise about this firstly….

But hear me out, will you?

What if the money you owned in  your bank account was controlled by the government? What if cash was made illegal ? What if the government controlled how you spend or not spend?
Does it seem far fetched to you?  Well, it might not be a crazy idea at all. Because sooner or later, the freedom as we know it know may not necessarily exist and this is because governments all over the world are looking for ways on how to control the boom and bust cycle in their own countries as well as in the world.
So what’s the solution?
Well, this article sheds some light on what may happen in the very near future…
A proposed new law in Denmark could be the first step towards an economic revolution that sees physical currencies and normal bank accounts abolished and gives governments futuristic new tools to fight the cycle of “boom and bust”.
The Danish proposal sounds innocuous enough on the surface – it would simply allow shops to refuse payments in cash and insist that customers use contactless debit cards or some other means of electronic payment.
Officially, the aim is to ease “administrative and financial burdens”, such as the cost of hiring a security service to send cash to the bank, and is part of a programme of reforms aimed at boosting growth – there is evidence that high cash usage in an economy acts as a drag.

But the move could be a key moment in the advent of “cashless societies”. And once all money exists only in bank accounts – monitored, or even directly controlled by the government – the authorities will be able to encourage us to spend more when the economy slows, or spend less when it is overheating.
This may all sound far-fetched, but the idea has been developed in some detail by a Norwegian academic, Trond Andresen.
In this futuristic world, all payments are made by contactless card, mobile phone apps or other electronic means, while notes and coins are abolished. Your current account will no longer be held with a bank, but with the government or the central bank. Banks still exist, and still lend money, but they get their funds from the central bank, not from depositors.

Having everyone’s account at a single, central institution allows the authorities to either encourage or discourage people to spend. To boost spending, the bank imposes a negative interest rate on the money in everyone’s account – in effect, a tax on saving.

Faced with seeing their money slowly confiscated, people are more likely to spend it on goods and services. When this change in behaviour takes place across the country, the economy gets a significant fillip.

The recipient of cash responds in the same way, and also spends. Money circulates more quickly – or, as economists say, the “velocity of money” increases.
What about the opposite situation – when the economy is overheating? The central bank or government will certainly drop any negative interest on credit balances, but it could go further and impose a tax on transactions.

So whenever you use the money in your account to buy something, you pay a small penalty. That makes people less inclined to spend and more inclined to save, so reducing economic activity.

Such an approach would be a far more effective way to damp an overheated economy than today’s blunt tool of a rise in the central bank’s official interest rate.
If this sounds rather fanciful, negative interest rates already exist in Denmark, where the central bank charges depositors 0.75pc a year, and in Switzerland.
At the moment it’s easy for individuals to avoid seeing their money eroded this way – they can simply hold banknotes, stored either in a safe or under the proverbial mattress.

But if notes and coins were abolished and the only way to hold money was through a government-controlled bank, there would be no escape.
Apart from the control over the economy, there would be many other advantages of a cashless society. Such a system is much cheaper to run than one based on banknotes and coins. Forgery is impossible, as are robberies.
Electronic money is an inclusive and convenient system, giving poor and rural sectors of an economy – where cash machines and bank branches may be few and far between and not all people have accounts – a tool for easy participation in the economy.

Finally, the “black economy” will be hugely diminished, and tax evasion made all but impossible.

Forcing everyone to spend only by electronic means from an account held at a government-run bank would give the authorities far better tools to deal with recessions and economic booms…

But who or what caused the boom and bust in the first place??? Isn’t it the government’s overspending in many instances getting a country into debt???

Is this the New World Order with Only One Currency ? Where everybody will be a slave to the digital monetary system? Nobody will be able to buy or sell without the microchiped bank cards?  What will happen to forex trading then? Will there be still trading going on?

Someone also commented on this article stating:

Oh wait…this reminds me of something…

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)

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2 Responses to “Make Cash Illegal: The solution to Ending Boom And Bust”

  1. Marcus says:

    This is too much! It’s too controlling. It’s MY money that I EARNED and I should be able to do whatever I want with it and whenever, and should not have to pay stiff penalties just because I need to buy something when the government doesn’t want me to spend. If the governments ever do this then we are indeed in the last days. I don’t know if the Scripture in Revelations is actually referring to this, but… regardless, it will be horrible! How will we help the poor on the street? There will be no beggars and homeless people because they would have all died of starvation, seeing their only means of survival comes from the cash they’re given on the streets by passing motorists. Or (and this seems more likely) crime will skyrocket. How many poor people are going to sit down and watch their kids starve to death? They will resort to crime! If cash is obsolete and they have no money or bank account then you can bet your life that they will steal to survive.

  2. Gary says:

    More Eurotrash economics. Some Socialist/Communist/Left-wing-nut/Liberal fascism and over the top control freak wannabes. Same idiots that came up the USSR and look how great THAT turned out. Such ninny-thinking stupidity! Doing this would DESTROY the free markets of the world and consolidate all power in our slaver-masters, and make us the slaves. If you can’t see this for what it is (more State Control and a move to remove that last vestiges of freedom in the world) then you’re an idiot and deserve what you get. The booms and busts of a country’s (or even all countries’s) economy is built into the weave of our governments’ (and their Central Banks) financial policies and “protective” laws. Look at the housing bubble that burst in 2008–don’t try to say it was the improper spending of the masses–it was the failure of the US government to enforce its own laws and the duplicity of the “too big to fail” banks and commercial (private companies) financial institutions in supposedly “regulated” markets (regulated by the same governments the article wants to CONTROL ALL OUR POCKETBOOKS!) and corporate borrowing of illegal amounts and percentages of other “too big to fail” companies. And where did all that control and regulation get us? — We’re still pulling our arses out of the gutter — AND NOW THEY WANT ABSOLUTE CONTROL AND INFLUENCE OVER EVERYONES MONEY! What gall. What arogance. What stupidity if we allow it.

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